Passion. Aliveness. Power. Radiance. Magnetism.
They are your birthright. I would say they’re yours for the taking, but I’d be lying. They’re yours for the remembering. I can show you how to remember who you are.
My name is Rebekah Daniels, Founder of Fearless Relationship and Sexuality, Love and Relationship coach with over 650 hours of training in tantric & somatic healing.
I teach women how to heal relationship anxiety and low self-confidence using somatic inner work, empowered life shifts, and abundant pleasure to help them create more radiance and magnetism in their lives.
Whether you’re ready to give up on your desires, or struggling with Impostor Syndrome keeping you small, or doing all the ‘work’ but you aren’t really sure why nothing is changing…let me assure you:
You deserve this. You are worthy of this. You just need the roadmap from someone who deeply gets it.
And I do get it.
When I was eighteen, I converted to a radicalized form of evangelical Christianity. By nineteen, I was married. By twenty-one, I gave birth to my first of three children. Ten years later, I was divorced, dealing with relational and religious trauma, and figuring out how to support myself as a single mother after never having a career.
As a woman with no training on how to live as a woman in the world, ending a bad marriage, with a history of being told that I wasn’t desirable or capable, I had NO idea what I was doing. Hell, I had no idea if I was worthy of doing much of anything. But one of my best qualities is my deep belief that I will always figure things out. So I moved forward.
I jumped into an MMA/self-defense gym, with no experience and gained not only a blue belt in MMA, but a deep conviction of my own power and a devotion to my body.
After my divorce, I was hell-bent on having a career that would support me to be as independent as possible. So I watched Youtube on nights and weekends to train myself on user experience design. After dozens of rejections, and a ton of my own learning and side projects, I landed a six-figure role as a designer, where I’ve thrived and embodied my own power as a creative and income-generator.
And in the midst of it all, I enrolled in an intensive tantric and somatic coaching program that required me to do hours of practices and healing work every day for two years. Through this program, I learned about attachment wounding, relational trauma, leveraging pleasure for healing, and all the tools for handling sexuality and relationships.
Now, I have a wildly happy partnership with a man that I adore and respect. I have deep friendships with women who celebrate and lift each other up. And most importantly, I have myself. Feeling alive, pleasure-filled, and thrilled for the future is my normal.
I learned that to really thrive in life isn’t about chasing love or validation, but about investing massively in understanding, nurturing and growing yourself.
What My Clients Are Saying
“Rebekah's process is unique, unlike any coaching or therapy I've ever done. She has an uncanny ability to put you in touch with your most authentic self, guide you to the root cause of an issue... If I could only work with one coach or therapist, or only recommend one, Rebekah is it! I've already recommended her to all my friends.”
— Lindsay
Rebekah’s strong and encouraging guidance and process helped me see and feel - with a whole new level of clarity - my own value and worthiness as a woman. It’s helped me catch my limiting beliefs and patterns much faster as I’m dating and claim what I really desire in partnership without apology.”
— Katherine